April 23, 2008

Previous chapters...

dear readers,

There were so many things happened in the previous weeks that i couldn't spend some times blogging.

After i got my haircut, the next day was the semi formal organized by my workplace, Redifer Dining Commons..I was just easily overwhelmed with this kind of event because I love the dancing, aside of picking suitable clothes that would match my partner. the story behind the shirt(light pink shirt with red and black stripes):
after several hours walking in the nittany mall that day, i finally made up my mind that i have to get something from the american eagle store. there were so many choices where most of them i couldnt afford to (i could actually, but then it would be a PEMBAZIRAN). therefore, i straight away walked towards the 'clearance' items and browsed for some shirts. I grabbed two shirts, one blue and the other's pink; and tried to put them on in the fitting room. I called Zack (my partner for the night) and she told me she'll be wearing pink. fortunately, i had this pink shirt on, and without hesitation, i bought it.
well, the semi formal went very well and i loved to see everybody looking good. after the event, we went to Chronic town, enjoying hookah and then had a very late dinner at Denny's. The day was really tiring for me.

Then, saturday came and i was unusually excited because that night was CARRIE UNDERWOOD concert which i have waited so long. Anyway, we had this midwest games meeting and after that i went shopping with wan. I bought a sunglass =) and a couple pairs of shorts (summer!!).

Talking bout the concert, omg! carrie was awesome and she was stunningly beautiful!!!! her voice was in a very good shape, i had goosebumps throughout the concert. Tell you what, it is worth spending $66 for that!!!!

and the week went well until we got our sedimentary exam back. I failed terribly (like i expected). Everybody did kinda badly but zam! i've no idea how he gets high marks..lol

last weekend was the blue and white weekend. to tell the truth, i wasnt jumping off the chair knowing about this weekend because everybody seemed extremely excited. anyway, i went to the blue and white game by accident, and it was pretty fun! hahahha..

the next day, we had this fieldtrip to GREAT FALLS, Maryland. The initial plan was to go on Saturday, but most of my classmates disagreed for the blue and white game reason. Thus, we went on Sunday instead. I dont want to talk much about it. All i want to say is, that is the beginning of my journey of becoming a great geologist. And we went back soaking wet! hahahaha...

**pictures coming soon =)**

April 11, 2008

nasib si rambut~~

kehadapan pembaca yg dimuliakan~~

kecelaruan melanda benakku ever since rambut aku panjang..ibu di rumah, katenye simpanla leklok rambut ittew, ibu ingin benar melihatnye..sahabat handai walau di mana jua berada, kate mereka, tolongla potong rambut ittew..u look better with short hair *wink*..kata hati...nak potong ke tak?? aku nak jugak rase rambut panjang..nak potong ke tak?? aku rindu pulak dgn rambut messy spiky aku yg kaedahnye gemilang suatu ketika dahulu..nak potong ke tak??

and there came malaysian night..how cud i perform on the stage with hair like this..dgn kembangnye yg x terkate n dengan lentik asli kat belakang tuh, self-esteem utk perform menjadi sgt low..solution: straighten kan!! so i borrowed hair iron from celest (wan's rummies)..okayy jugak rambut lurus..lantas idea agak munasabah menerjah ruang pikirku..baik aku simpan panjang sajorkk ini rambut..n p hong kong summer nnti..luruskan!! haha..but yet again~~ banyak suare2 yg kate x elok la kot aku ni p straighten rambut..aduh...bercelaru lagi otakku iniew..semi formal dah dekat..i have to look good..iron lagi?? nope..malu jek nak pinjam kt rummet wan tuh..

communication is always good to solve problem..maka ibu ku hubungi menyatakan hajat utk memotong rambut ini..tidak setuju katenye..nak tgk jugak..kemudian aku terangkan padanya bahawa cuaca kian panas n that i look really horrible *matila kutuk diri sendiri* with this long hair..fu**in thick n messy!! lantas beliau bersetuju..dan aku bulatkan tekad utk mengunjugi pusat memotong rambut pada hari keesokannye **hari ni la lampi!*

so, straight forward je la..balik dr appoinment nurse **still taking TB prescriptions**, aku pun menyusun langkah ke supercuts **kaedahnyew**..tunggu lam setengah jam juge sebelum d layan..then rambut ku melalui proses peomotongan yg drastik **mesti die sakit kan??** berlonggok longgok rambut aku kt paha..banyak nye rambut, hatiku berbisik..setelah selesai..satu perasaan menjelma dlm diriku..ttbe aku rase konfiden semacam kuar dari kedai ittew!! huhuhu..this is haleem that i miss~~ short spiky hair with edgy personality **ye ke??**

April 9, 2008

Bukan nak mengeluh, tapi..

Bukan nak mengeluh tapi ...
exam geoscience isnin ari tuh sesusah tidak ye..memang susah that i didnt expect it to be that hard..the previous two exams okayy la..achievable jugak..tp yg satu nih memang menghancurkan harapan untuk terus cemerlang..apatah lagi topik mendatang semakin susah..yela, bukan nak mengeluh..memang aku kurang study..asyik study last minute je, mane boleh kan..sometimes it works, but not everytime..
**salah diri sendiri**

Bukan nak mengeluh tapi...
buat kerja last minute memang memenatkan. Sah2 dari awal lagi dah d inform pasal gened econs tu..tapi yela, orang melayu..suka tangguh2kan keje..dulu kat kmb pun sama..nasib baik lepas..huhu..pressure buat keje last minute nih okay kalau ade satu keje je yg kene siapkan..kalau overlapping?? matilahh x tido sehari semalam..tambah lagi komitmen lain...aduh..memang parah..tolong hindari ye rakan-rakan..
**salah diri sendiri lagi***

Bukan nak mengeluh, tapi...
working on monday is just not my lucky day..selama aku keje ari isnin kt redifer tuh, 2 kali je aku kje kat tempat yg aku suke which is In The Pickle..yg lain?? HARAM!! yang teruk nye, do the tables..that would be the most horrible experience working at redifer ever! bayangkan sajorkk anda mengelap meja satu redifer itew selame 4 jam setengah!!! bayangkan!! aduh~~ seram kalau ingat balik..bukan tu saje, kebuhsanan dishroom, piatto sumenye membuatkan aku allergic keje ari isnin..orang dah kate awal2, kalau xnak keje kt tempat yg kte suke, bg taw supervisor ke, manager ke..ni tak, yg aku nih, mendiamkan diri..x bagitaw sesape!!! rasionalnya, beranikan diri untuk bersuara!!
**sekali lagi salah diri sendiri***

jadi, aku harap aku akan merombak gaya aku skg nih..this is not the right way to survive kt cni..

~jangan buat keje last minute..procrastinating kills!!!!!
~study smart..it is reflected in your exam scores!!
~bersuarala bila anda patut bersuara..org complaint belakang2 is a loser!!!!
~and most importantly..jangan mengeluh!! it is really tiring..dan Allah tidak suka akan hambaNya yang mengeluh~

sekian makaseh..nak study for esok nye sociology exam (last minute lagih..matila!!!)