August 30, 2007

The first year seminar is nerve-wrecking!

there is one course that every freshman of the earth n mineral science faculty needs to is called EMS FRESHMAN SEMINAR (EM SC 100S)..

the prof is sooo his voice is sooo soft that i am bareley able to hear and understand his words…dush!!! mcm mane ni?? his name is Digby Macdonald..hehe name je kiut! ahax!

then, he straight away gave us the syllabus outline..that was fine..yg x fun nye, we need to complete a written assignment on 5 different choices of topic which neither one caught my attention..

1) global warming
2) the oil crisis
3) the hydrogen economy ( ????????? what the heck is this??????? )
4) The federal deficit ( ????? grrrrr…..)
5) the AIDS crisis in Africa

fuh! i have 2 weeks to complete one topic but God! satu habuk pun aku xtau ape2..


*p/s: nak pg gym pun x sempat coz fitness center d penuhi warganegara amerika..

today is a bad day!!!!

malang datang bertimpa-timpa!!!

scene 1

pada jam 8pagi, aku menuruni tangga dormku utk ke parkir basikal..pas tu nk g breakfast..aku mengeluarkan kunci basikal dr poketku namun basikalku tidak berada dlm pandangan..d manakah basikal aku????????? baru je beli hilang!!!!! tidaaaak! satu permulaan hari yg sungguh menyedihkan..namun ku gagahi jua utk ke dining hall..scrambled egg yg menerjah ruang perutku ku rasakn tawar kerana seleraku sudah lama mati..aku mengmbil keputusan utk berjalan kaki ke kelas..sedih siot!
tetiba, di HUB, aku seolah-olah mengecam kelibat basikalku dr jauh..aku memberanikan diri utk membuka locknya dan ya!!! this is my bike!!! yahoooo!!!! aku pn trus mengayuh kegembiraan ke kelas..

scene 2
venue: University Health Service, Ritenour Building dengan tujuan menerima result TB test…

nurse: show me ur arm
me: ok, sure
nurse: it looks like u got 12mm here. cn u feel the bum?
me: yes
nurse: so, u need to do a chest x-ray since ur ppd test is positive

monolog dalaman: dub dab dub dab dub..ya Allah, jauhkanlah hambaMu ini daripada jangkitan TB..

scene 3
dlm perjalanan balik ke dorm dan menunggang basikal yg belum pun seminggu usianya.

tangan kiriku menggenggam erat artrikel pasal TB treatment dan ini bermakna hanya tangan kananku sahaja yang bertindak mengawal basikalku itew..

tetiba d selekoh tajam menghala ke blok kediamanku, terparkir sebuah lori yg mana pemunggahan sdg d lakukan..

tetiba, tanpa d duga, aku hilang kawalan lantas terlanggar lori tersebut..aku sempat merendahkan basikal ku utk mengelak head-on collision..basikal ku jatuh menyembah bumi dan aku pula berdiri mantap dgn kakiku ini..malangnya tanganku tercalar dn sedikit pendarahan berlaku..astaghfirullah…..

scene 4

dengan lengan yg tercalar, i walk my bike to the parking area..aku pun menguncinya dgn lock yg ku beli dgn harga $9.99..tetiba, jari ku tersepit d lock tersebut lalu menyemburkan darah d hujung jariku..darah lagi!!!

malang sungguh hari ini..
semoga hari yg akan ku lalui lebih baik daripada apa yg telah ku lalui hari ini..

*p/s: doakan semoga aku bebas daripada penyakit TB okay! amiiin…

August 28, 2007

I love the!!!!

huhu….entering the first class at the university marks the starting point of the new chapter in my life..

venue: 112, Walker Building
time: 9.05am

ggrrrrr…dub dab dub dab…anxiety melampaui batas!

at 1st, i expected kelas ni boring because i hv no idea what i gonna learn for this course (GEOSC 001)

it is soooooo thick that my back hurts!

the instructor started with talking about the rise of sea level nowadays ..

then he touched on volcanaic eruption in Iceland, 1793
it happened for 8 months!!! and 20% of human population kt situ mati!…

the climax is TSUNAMI DECEMBER 26th–> Indonesia!
sudden sudden, i felt tsunami really close to me, bcoz its indonesia..our neighbour..kedah pun kene kan??

then, he showed a video on how the wave spreads during the tsunami…

instructor tu keeps on saying.."IT WAS AN INCREDIBLE PHENOMENA..AMAZING ISN’T IT?"

sesudah itu, aku menyedari the beauty behind geoscience studies…n i really look forward for the next class!!!