October 28, 2009
macam baru semalam
baru tersedar how fast time flies.
macam baru semalam aku masuk sekolah asrama penuh.
macam baru semalam aku dapat result pmr.
macam baru semalam aku jadik penolong ketua naqib (yes! jangan korang tak taw)
macam baru semalam aku tengok petra nabila kat hksbp muar.
macam baru semalam aku buat kenduri doa selamat result spm aku.
macam baru semalam aku nangis kat bilik mandi kmb.
macam baru semalam aku kenal amir, zamri, jepa and shedot.
macam baru semalam aku buat international passport.
macam baru semalam aku baring atas katil time dapat result IB.
macam baru semalam aku mendaftar masuk Mifflin Hall.
macam baru semalam aku celebrate 21st birthday aku.
macam baru semalam aku karaoke tak ingat dunia dengan miah and sab.
macam baru semalam aku spent whole day ngan aith talking about break ups.
macam baru semalam aku beli tiket pegi west coast (memang semalam pun!)
borak2 panjang ngan wan tadi over our late lunch (when i was supposedly be in class listening to Sridhar's lecture on glacier), aku rase mcm byk sgt bende dah berlaku dlm hidup kteorg. we shared lots of stories tentang families, tentang pahit manis hidup memasing. how we went through the 2 years of our life in KMB. and macam mane kteorg penah buat ibu masing2 tersinggung, cerita tentang pengalaman dapat result pmr, spm and IB. within that short period of one hour, kteorg mcm menyelongkar balik diari hidup masing2. and that was when i realized that Ive been through a lot of things and that time flew so fast.
and then I went home to know that I missed the first lecture in Glacier chapter, by a great Glaciologist, Sridhar Anandakrishnan. **sighhhh***
pengajaran: jangan ponteng 203 lagih!
my bank account balance is fewer by 363.90 just by clicking that 'pay by Paypal now' button.
October 24, 2009
October 22, 2009
October 20, 2009
azam baru?
i was 'ym'ing with my cousin just now.
and i feel like there is a new spirit in me to get going in life, especially my study here in Pennstate.
azam baru pada hari ke 19 bulan Oktober.
October 14, 2009
home decor
we stayed up late last night, and went to bed at about 3.30am.
guess what we were doing?
believe it or not, fawwaz, fashli and myself did some home decor. the furniture arrangements were changed here and there.
and there u go, our apartment looks new! hahaha..
EXCEPT for the shoe part. yeah, this house has a lot of shoes (i mean super duper banyak) that if we were to arranged them neatly, it will only stay arranged for no more than one day.
so next up, we gonna get a couple of shoe rack, and then our decor mission will be completed! yeay!
gtg to class now.
i have exam tomorrow.
wish me luck!
October 11, 2009
The purpose of this e-mail is to inform that we have selected you to be the next Student Scheduler here at South Food District. These interviews were extremely competitive and when all was said and done, we felt you were a perfect fit for this position There is not a set date on when training will be begin but we would like you to attend our next Student Trainer meeting on October 18th at 9:45 in the Heritage room to introduce you to the rest of our staff.
Congratulations you should be very proud of yourself and we can't wait to have you on-board as part of our management staff.
David J Fenstermacher Jr
Student Manager, South Food District
HRIM Undergraduate Student
The School of Hospitality Management
The Pennsylvania State University
October 9, 2009
lagi lagi raya
ade lagi satu open house sabtu nih..
that makes this year nye raya celebration, 4 weekends in a row..
fuhhh..record tuh!
kat malaysia pun x mcm nih..
anyway, thanx to lexington's guys for the invite!
i would definitely come!!
October 6, 2009
Zombieland was so much fun! fantastic movie!!!
up next: Paranormal Activity..
anyone up for it?

October 2, 2009
Beyonce oh Beyonce
Beyonce 'I Am..' World Tour live in Malaysia 25 October 2009!!!!!
**gigit jari sampai pengsan!!**
Ku Percaya Ada Cinta
pandang pandang alam inisambil pandang difikirimana bumbung langit tinggimana lantai bumitiap satu yang terjaditidak mungkin tersendiricuba cari jawapannyaandai meragui
October 1, 2009
pintu rindu
telah ku daki puncak tertinggi
telah ku turun lembah dan gurun
tidakku temu mana pintuMU
untukku seru rasa rinduku
sungguhku buta dalam cahaya
sungguhku lupa tika bahagia
sedang Kau dekat bukan di mata
sentuhMu erat di pinggir jiwa
sedang Kau dekat di pinggir jiwa
biarkan air mata melimpah
biarkan luluh cinta tercurah
segala kasih rindu tertumpah
seluruh hati aku berserah
ku tunggu waktu bila bertemu
hidup matiku hanya untukMU
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